Rinehart Remix/A Meditation/Autumn Wind
Rinehart Remix/A Meditation/Autumn Wind
I built a work in my voice, using the general form of William Rinehart's (1825-1874) "Sleeping Children". Through a three-dimensional photogrammetry scan, I imported his original "Sleeping Children" and envisioned my remix by adhering, loosely, to the lying forms.
locally-sourced hand-hewn wood, lumber, welded steel, plywood vinyl siding, rice paper, drywall, fabric, screws, paint
43" x 156" x 108"

“Rudder” - detail of interior structure
“Rudder” - detail of interior structure
This is a detail of the interior structure of the work "Rudder"
1/8” Baltic birch plywood, rice paper, glue
6’ x 3.6’ x 7’